10th Annual SAH Trunk or Treat – NEW LOCATION

October 24, 2023 @ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Date: Tuesday, October 24th
Time: Trunks: 10:15am, Treaters: 11am
Place: Parking lot of Azalea Hills Christian Church, 9191 Cottage Hill Rd Mobile, AL 36695
~everyone in this group may participate. No matter cover or co op.
~You will be able to sign up to do a trunk, or just trick or treat.
~If you are doing a trunk you need to arrive by 10:15am so cars are in place and parked once children start arriving!
~The MORE TRUNKS the MORE FUN! Please consider hosting a trunk! The decor can be as simple or as over the top as you are wanting, its just fun to have another place to stop for candy!
~if you just come to trick or treat you must bring a bag of candy. This takes the weight of purchasing so much off the trunks.
~we will have trunks boasting TEAL PUMPKINS (usually paper ones 😜) for our allergy kids! These trunks will be giving out non edible treats.
~there will be a place on the sign up sheet to say you will be a TEAL pumpkin trunk!
~be as creative as you want with trunks, or as simple. Just keep the gory and scary down as we do have small children that come.
~You want to be on time. This usually runs its course in less than 45 minutes. We take a huge group pic at the beginning.
~we usually have well over 100 kids participate!
Plan to bring a picnic. Most of the time groups of kids play after.

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