Ellicott’s Stone & St. Stephens Historical Park

January 13, 2022 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
**Please Fill Out Google Form**
Visit to the Ellicott’s Stone and St. Stephens Historical Park.
10am: Ellicott’s Stone
Put into your map: 30°59′52.11″N 88°01′21.06″W
“Ellicott’s Stone, also known as the Ellicott Stone, is a boundary marker in northern Mobile County, Alabama. It was placed on April 10, 1799 by a joint U.S.-Spanish survey party headed by Andrew Ellicott.[3][4] It was designated as a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark in 1968 and was added to the National Register of Historic Places on April 11, 1973.”
——–We will park at the road and walk a short distance through the woods and over railroad tracks to where the stone still stands in the woods, surrounded by a gate.
11:30am: St. Stephens Historical Park
St. Stephens Historical Park, 2056 Jim Long Road, St Stephens, AL 36569
“Old St. Stephens: St. Stephens Historical Park is a state park designated to preserve the history of the Territorial Capital of Alabama. In the heyday of Old St. Stephens, from 1810-1830, it was a bustling riverfront town with a tremendous social and economic impact on the developing state. By the time of the Civil War, the town site had been abandoned, and it remained virtually untouched until archaeological interests stirred in the 1980s.
Indian Baths: Two basins carved in the rocks and filled from flowing underground springs have been called “The Indian Bathtubs” for many years. Recent investigation suggests that the basins weren’t created by Native American tools, but rather by European tools”
——-We will have lunch at St Stephens Park at picnic tables and then we will tour the area. Some of the markers and things are a little off trail and having good walking shoes will be important!
COST: $3 for ages 12 and up
$2 for ages 6-11
**If you want to just meet at St Stephens Park you can do that too!
WHEN PAYING: Please MAKE SURE you see the step that says BUSINESS or FRIEND. If you don’t see that step contact me and I will help walk you through it I really don’t mind. Due to IRS changes this year field trip fees sent via “Business” can be taxed on my end! THANK YOU!
**Put in the comments WHO and WHAT you are paying for! (With so many people having different names on their PayPal I need names to match it up and to know what it is for)
Deadline for Payment: January 11th
Send payment: paypal.me/Erinsadventures


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