Wales west Pumpkin Patch

October 17, 2023 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
On Tuesday, October 17th at 10am we are heading to Wales West RV Resort & Light Railway.
13670 Smiley St, Silverhill, AL 36576
It’s $11 per person 3 and up.
We will be taking TWO steam train rides. One down to and through the the (not so) spooky house, followed by a stop at the pumpkin patch where parents can take pictures, and to get a PUMPKIN! There is also a room full of items to decorate your new pumpkin with!
*This pumpkin patch is super cute if you want to wear fall gear and take photos while they pumpkin hunt!
Bring a sack lunch to eat at their playground and play after!
PAYPAL CHANGES: PayPal is no longer taking friend/family payments through business accts so there is a NEW paypal address to use! You can use or the clicky link below! Please MAKE SURE you see the step that says BUSINESS or FRIEND
**Put in the comments WHO and WHAT you are paying for! (With so many people having different names on their PayPal I need names to match it up and to know what it is for)
Deadline for Payment: October 14th

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